Shopping Cart Detail - Fields


Shopping Cart Detail

Customer No.

This field displays the customer number for the shopping cart selected and can only be viewed.

  • Click Address to open the .store Address Detail window and view .store address information for the customer.

  • Click Tax Detail to open the Tax Detail window and view tax information for the order.

List Box

This list box displays the item, description, warehouse, quantity, price, and extension information for the shopping cart selected.

  • Select a line and click the Detail Zoom button to open the Shopping Cart Items Detail and drill down to more detail about the line item.

  • Select a line and click View Credit Card to open the Paya Exchange Vault and view the credit card number and expiration date for the shopping cart selected. This button is available only if a credit card is included on the shopping cart submission.

  • Click any column heading to sort line items by that option. You can also resize columns in the list box.


Order Status

Select a status to apply to the selected line.


E-mail Reason

Enter an e-mail reason code for the shopping cart submission status change, or click the Lookup button to list all e-mail reason codes. E-mail reason codes are set up in E-mail Reason Code Maintenance.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.