Transaction Detail Inquiry (Inquiry)


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Cost Code Detail

Job Inquiry/Job History Inquiry



Select Job Cost Main menu > Job Inquiry or Job History Inquiry. Enter the job number and click Cost Code. In the Cost Code Detail (Inquiry) window, click Trans Detail.

This task is available only if a selection other than All Cost Types is made in the Cost Type field in Cost Code Detail.


Use Transaction Detail Inquiry (Inquiry) to itemize all cost transactions on file for the current cost type and cost code.

For each transaction, the date, source code (AP, PR, etc.), transaction comments, and total units and dollars are displayed. The total of all job-to-date postings and any subcontract payments are also displayed.

Select a row and click the Export to Excel button to export the contents of the list box to Microsoft Excel. The button is available if Excel is installed on your computer and you have the appropriate security setup.