Certified Payroll Reporting (Job Cost) - Fields


Certified Payroll Reporting (Job Cost)

Job No.

This field displays the job number and can only be viewed.


Certified Payroll Form

Select an option to determine which Certified Payroll Reporting forms will include information for this job:

  • To include the job information on a state form, select the applicable state code.
  • To include the job information on a federal form, select Federal.
  • Select None to exclude this job from Certified Payroll Reporting.


Project County

Enter the county in which the project will be completed.



Select this check box if the contractor is a subcontractor.


Federal/State Project No.

Enter the federal or state project number.

This number is used as the project number on some certified payroll forms. The contract number entered in Job Maintenance is used as the contract or project number on most of the forms. Check your forms to make sure the expected project number is used.


Contractor License No.

Enter the contractor's license number.


Type of Work

Enter a description of the type of work completed by the contractor.


Prime Contractor No.

Enter the prime contractor's number. Click the Lookup button to view a list of contractors maintained in Contractor Maintenance.


Awarding Contractor No.

Enter the awarding contractor's number. Click the Lookup button to view a list of contractors maintained in Contractor Maintenance.


Awarded Date

Enter the date the job was awarded to the contractor. Click the Lookup button to select a date from the calendar.