Period End Processing


Window Details





Select the module's Period End menu > Period End Processing.

Note This task is available only in some modules.


Period End Processing is normally performed at the end of each accounting period (usually the last business day of each month) to close the current period and cycle the accounting period forward to the next period. Period end options typically include purging transaction files for any number of periods (up to and including the current period) to save file space. When performing Period End Processing, verify that the accounting date agrees with the period-end date through which you want to clear files.

Note For fiscal-year processing, if the next year has not been created, Year-End Processing will create the next fiscal year and recalculate beginning balances.

From the Period End Processing window, you can select specific types of period end processing. The available options depend on the current module. After selecting an option, click Proceed.

Note During Payroll year-end processing, terminated employee information is deleted. To retain the information for reprinting of historical W-2 forms, change the employee status from Terminated to Inactive using Change Employee Status before year-end processing.