Save As Report Setting


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Access this window using one of the following methods:

Note This task is available only in some modules.


Use Save As Report Setting to save changes made to selections in the report window. You can also set up the report setting to always use a specific template. These changes can be assigned to a report setting name to use at any time in the report window.

Note If STANDARD is selected in the Report Setting field in the report window, you cannot save selections made in the report window to the STANDARD report setting. The settings made in the report window will revert back to the previous STANDARD report settings. When you click Save, the Save As Report Setting window appears, allowing you to save the changes to another report setting name.

You can save the printer selection to the STANDARD report setting if the Use Workstation Default Printer for STANDARD Report Setting check box is cleared in the Company Maintenance window. Only the printer selection, number of copies, and collation setting can be saved to the STANDARD report setting.

Note Saved settings are also available for period-end printing.



Report Setting



Default Report

Save Date Selections

Always Use This Template
