Customize Graphical Forms


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You can customize graphical forms, as well as create graphical forms for all form printing options. All graphical forms can be printed using a Windows printer; however, you can customize or create forms only if SAP Crystal Reports is installed on your workstation.

To customize multiple forms for one or all companies, use Report Manager. For more information, see Customize Forms and Reports in Report Manager.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

  • SAP Crystal Reports must be installed on your workstation.

  • For some modules, the applicable graphical forms check box(es) must be selected in the module's Options window.

To customize graphical forms for all modules

  1. Access the form printing window.

Note If this is the first time you are selecting the form printing window, the Template Selection window appears. Select a form template. For more information, see Template Selection – Fields.

  1. In the Form Code field, enter the form code to customize and click Designer.

  2. The form appears in Crystal Designer. Customize and save the form.

  3. In the form printing window, click the Multi-Part Form Enabled check box and click Multi Part to print the form to multiple locations. For more information, see Set Up Multi-Part Form Printing.

  4. Click Alignment to print an alignment pattern to verify your new form layout.

  5. In the Printer/Output field, select the printer or output method. This field is available only if the Multi-Part Form Enabled check box is cleared.

  6. Click Setup to change printing options such as paper orientation and paper size for the printer selected in the Printer/Output field.

Note Printing options default to the default setting of the document. Changes to the paper orientation, size, source, and duplex (printing on both sides) options are saved with the form code.

  1. Print or preview the form.

The form is customized.