Print Deferred Reports


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You can print one page of a deferred report or a range of pages. In addition, you can print several copies of a report and more than one report at a time. If a report is secured, only the user who initially deferred the report can print it.


To print deferred reports

  1. To access and print deferred reports from the Desktop, use one of the following methods:

  2. Select File > Deferred Printing.

  3. Click the Deferred Print button on the Home tab in the ribbon.

  1. Select the report(s) to print.

  2. To print all deferred reports, select the Module check box.

  3. To print deferred reports for a specific module, select the module check box. For example, select the General Ledger check box to print all deferred reports in the General Ledger module.

  4. To print only selected reports, select each report check box individually.

Note Click the Change View button to view reports in Deferred Printing sorted by module, user, or date. Initially, the reports are sorted by module.

  1. To preview a report, select the report and click the Preview Report button.

Note  While in the Preview window, you can click the Export Report button to export the report (if you are using the Preview window for a report in the General Ledger, Library Master, Business Insights, or Customizer module).

  1. To change printing options for a specific report, select the report and click the Show/Modify Report Options button to change the information in the Printer, Number of Copies, Collated, Purge After Printing, Secure Report, and Page Range fields. Click OK.

  2. In the Deferred Printing window, click Print to print the selected reports to their assigned printers.

The selected deferred report(s) prints.