Change Data Location - Fields


Change Data Location


Data Location

Enter the location where the data for this company is located. The data for this company is located in a folder called MAS_XXX. Click the Folder button to locate the folder.

Note To facilitate the construction of ODBC drivers, alternate folders are placed in the MAS_xxx folder.

For example, if you enter D:\myfiles\someplace\ , the path will be appended as follows:


The data location is appended to the front of the file definition to get the physical file location of the data file.


Payroll Data Location

Enter the location of the MAS_XXX folder (XXX represents the company code) where all payroll data files will reside for company XXX. Click the Folder button to locate the folder. If the folder is changed, the company payroll data is moved to the new folder specified.

If you do not enter anything in this field, all data files (including payroll data files), will be stored in the location entered in the Data Location field.