Convert Module Data Files - Fields


Convert Module Data Files

Convert Data for All Companies

Select this check box to convert data for all of your companies.

If you are converting data for the Payroll module, this check box may be unavailable. Depending on which version of Payroll you're upgrading from, you may need to convert data for each company individually.


Convert SAP Crystal Reports

Select this check box to convert custom SAP Crystal Reports RPT files to the current version. After company data conversion is complete, users who are logged into Sage 100 can continue working while reports and forms are converted.

Reports and forms are converted only if the associated module has been activated. Conversion of forms and reports may take a significant amount of time depending on how many are converted.

Note When you migrate data from an earlier version of Sage 100, a ReportSave folder is created, and a copy of your custom RPT files are saved in it. The files in this folder are not converted when you select this check box and run data conversion, so you have the original, unconverted reports available if needed.

Clear this check box if you don't want to convert the reports and forms.

This check box is available only for companies if the data has not been converted.

If the company data has been converted, and you need to convert your custom forms and reports, you can use the conversion wizard. Start the wizard by browsing to the ..\MAS90\Home\ folder, and double clicking the mascrcw.exe file.

This check box is not available if you are signed in using the Administrator account.


Update Custom Office Panels to Current Level

Select this check box to merge changes from customized panels into your new Sage 100 installation.

During the update process, a new library file (a file with an LIB or M4L extension) is created for each customized panel based on the current library file in the module folder. The properties of each customized item are updated to the new library file, and the old customized library file is removed.

If the Convert Data for All Companies check box is selected, custom panels for all companies are updated; otherwise, custom panels for the selected company are updated.

Clear this check box if you don't want to update custom panels.

This check box is available only for companies if the data has not been converted.

If you need to update customized panels, but the company data has already been converted, use the Update Customized Panels to Current Level utility on the Custom Office Utilities menu.

This check box is not available if you are signed in using the Administrator account.

Company Types to Convert

Select the check boxes for the types of companies to include when running data conversion.

These check boxes are available if the Convert Data for All Companies check box is selected.