Report Manager


Window Details





How Do I...



Search for a Form or Report

Export Form Codes and Report Settings

Add Custom Reports to Report Manager

Customize Forms and Reports in Report Manager

Add Form Codes and Report Settings

Update the Crystal Report/Form Database

Copy Form Codes and Report Settings




Related Topics



Form/Report Task Search


Add New Format

Batch Fax Options

Security for Employees' Personally Identifiable Information




Select Library Master Setup menu > Report Manager.


Use Report Manager to manage all forms and reports. Select a form or report to customize using the SAP Crystal Reports Designer.

The Report Manager window lists all modules that have forms or reports in a tree view. Expand the module to select the available forms, reports, and custom reports. All forms, reports, and custom reports are listed in alphabetical order.

You can also add and delete custom reports. When you click Add Report to Menu, the Menu Wizard opens and guides you through the process.

Note If you're adding a report for a module that includes one or more PII worktables, you'll have the option to include the worktables in the wizard. These worktables allow you to include personally identifiable information (PII), such as names and social security numbers, in the report. If you include one or more of these worktables, they will be populated with unencrypted data when the report is run from the Custom Reports menu.

If you include the PII worktables, you must link the work tables to the existing report tables and insert the PII data into the report.

Anyone who has rights to run the report will see the PII data. As with the standard reports, the ability to view Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, and bank routing numbers is based on the "Allow Viewing, Printing and Editing of Personally Identifiable Information" security event in Role Maintenance.

Note Form codes and report settings must be created in the form or report window. For more information, see Create a New Form on the Fly.



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