Printer Preferences - Fields


Printer Preferences


Printer Selection

All Windows printers available to the workstation, including those defined using the Device Configurator display. Click on a printer to select its settings.


Enable Graphics Printing for this Printer

Select this check box to print graphical reports.

Note The Use Graphic Report Format check box on the User Maintenance Preferences tab must be selected in order to print graphical reports.



Select the font to use for the body of normal (80-column) and compressed (132-column) reports. The fonts used for graphical headers and footers are defined in Report Format Maintenance. Select Default to use the body format defined in Report Format Maintenance.



Select the font size to use for the body of normal (80-column) and compressed (132-column) reports.



Select the color of the font to use for the body of normal (80-column) and compressed (132-column) reports.


Font Attributes

The attributes of the body of the report can be changed by selecting the Bold, Italic, and Underline check boxes.


Show Native Printer Fonts Only

Select the Show Native Printer Fonts Only check box to display only the native fonts available for the selected printer.