Build Search Index


Window Details















Select Library Master Utilities menu > Build Search Index.


Use this utility to build the search index that is required for the advanced auto-complete search feature. This utility must be run after new records are created so that they will be included in the search.

When you run this utility, a folder named Index_AC (for fields that do not contain encrypted data) and a folder named Index_ACencrypt (for encrypted Payroll employee data) is created in the ../MAS90/MAS_System folder. If you delete these folders, the basic version of auto-search is again used unless you run the utility again.

You can use Task Scheduler to automatically run this utility on a regular basis. When creating the job in Task Scheduler, select Other in the Type field. Then on the Tasks tab, select Build Search Index from the Task list. You can specify which types of companies to index by entering the company type code in the Run Time Arguments field:

For more information, see Schedule a Task.



Build Index for Company Types