Journal and Register Maintenance - Fields


Journal and Register Maintenance

Company Code

Enter the company code to define journal and register PDF settings for, or click the Lookup button to view all companies. Type ALL to define PDF settings for all companies.


Company Name

This field displays the name of the company selected in the Company Code field and can only be viewed.


Module Code

Enter the module code to define journal and register PDF settings for, or click the Lookup button to view all modules set up for the company entered in the Company Code field. Only modules that have journals or registers associated with them can be selected. Type ALL to define PDF settings for all modules in the selected company.



Select the journal or register to define PDF settings for. This field displays all journals and registers for the company and module selected. Select All Documents to define PDF settings for all journals and registers in the selected company and module. If you select ALL in the Module Code field and then select a journal or register for a specific module, the Module Code selection will be changed to reflect that specific module.


PDF Directory

Enter the full path of the folder to use for storing the journal or register in PDF format, or click the Browse Directory button to browse to the folder.


Auto Create PDF

Select whether to automatically create a PDF document when printing the journal or register.

  • Select Prompt to display a message prompting you to create the PDF document when the journal or register is printed.

  • Select Yes to automatically create a PDF document every time the journal or register is printed.

  • Select No if you do not want to automatically create a PDF document when the journal or register is printed.


Password Protect

Select whether to password-protect PDF documents created for the journal or register. Password protection requires the entry of a password to view the PDF document after it is created. This field is available only if Prompt or Yes is selected in the Auto Create PDF field.

  • Select Prompt to display a message requiring you to define a password each time the PDF document is created.

  • Select Yes to always password-protect the PDF document with the password entered in the Password field.

  • Select No to create the PDF document without password protection.



Type the password that will be required to view the PDF documents created. You can type up to 32 characters. This field is available only if Yes is selected in the Password Protect field.


Confirm Password

Re-type the password entered in the Password field.


Prompt for Document During Journal/Register Printing

Select this check box to allow the selection of a separate document to associate with the journal or register PDF document when it is created.

This field is available only if Prompt or Yes is selected in the Auto Create PDF field.


Delete Document When Journal/Register Is Deleted in Viewer

If a separate document is associated with the journal or register PDF document, select whether to delete the associated document when the journal or register PDF document is deleted from the Journal and Register Viewer task.

This field is available only if Prompt or Yes is selected in the Auto Create PDF field.

  • Select Prompt to display a message prompting you to delete the associated document when deleting the journal or register PDF in the viewer.

  • Select Yes to automatically delete the associated document when the journal or register PDF is deleted.

  • Select No if you do not want to delete the associated document when the journal or register PDF is deleted.


Document Directory

Enter the full path of the folder to use as the default folder for locating an associated document for the journal or register, or click the Browse Directory button to browse to the folder. You can change this folder when selecting the associated document during journal or register printing.

This field is enabled only if Prompt or Yes is selected in the Auto Create PDF field, and the Prompt for Associated PDF During Journal/Register Printing check box is selected. For more information about associated PDF documents, see Paperless Office FAQs.