Paperless Office Options - Fields


Paperless Office Options


Select this check box to enable the capability to store, e-mail, and fax forms such as invoices, purchase orders, and sales orders in PDF format. Clear this check box to disable the ability to store, e-mail, and fax forms. This option applies to all companies.

After enabling electronic delivery and PDF storage for forms, you must set up specific form options in Form Maintenance. These settings are retained in the system even if you later disable electronic delivery and PDF storage by clearing this check box.



Select this check box to enable the capability to store, e-mail, and fax reports in PDF format. Clear this check box to disable the ability to store, e-mail, and fax reports. This option applies to all companies.  

After enabling electronic delivery and PDF storage for reports, you must set up specific report options in Report Maintenance. These settings are retained in the system even if you later disable electronic delivery and PDF storage by clearing this check box.


Journals and Registers

Select this check box to enable the capability to store, e-mail, and fax journals and registers in PDF format. Clear this check box to disable the ability to store, e-mail, and fax journals and registers. This option applies to all companies.  

After enabling electronic delivery and PDF storage for journals and registers, you must set up specific journal and register options in Journal and Register Maintenance. These settings are retained in the system even if you later disable electronic delivery and PDF storage by clearing this check box.


Period End Reports

Select this check box to enable the capability to store, e-mail, and fax period-end reports in PDF format. Clear this check box to disable the ability to store, e-mail, and fax period-end reports. This option applies to all companies.  

After enabling electronic delivery and PDF storage for period-end reports, you must set up specific period-end report options in Period End Report Maintenance. These settings are retained in the system even if you later disable electronic delivery and PDF storage by clearing this check box.


Customer Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Customer Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave the Customer Viewer grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Forms check box is selected. If the Forms check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.


Vendor Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Vendor Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave the Vendor Viewer grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Forms check box is selected. If the Forms check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.


Report Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Report Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave Report Viewer the grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Reports check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section. If the Reports check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.


Journal and Register Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Journal and Register Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave the Journal and Register Viewer grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Journals and Registers check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section. If the Journals and Registers check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.


Period End Report Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Period End Report Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave the Period End Report Viewer grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Period End Reports check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section. If the Period End Reports check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.


Employee Viewer

Select this check box to load all PDF documents into the Employee Viewer grid when it is initially accessed. Clear this check box to leave the Employee Viewer grid empty until you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.

This check box is available only if the Forms check box is selected. If the Forms check box is cleared, this check box retains its current value.



Select this check box to save only the most recent copy of each report PDF document created. If this check box is selected, reprinting a report as a PDF document will overwrite the existing PDF document. Clear this check box to create a new PDF document each time the report is stored as a PDF document. This check box is available only if the Reports check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section.

Note If you select this check box, the report is always overwritten regardless of whether different saved settings are used to generate the report.


Journals and Registers

Select this check box to save only the most recent copy of each journal and register PDF document created. If this check box is selected, reprinting a journal or register as a PDF document will overwrite the existing PDF document. Clear this check box to create a new PDF document each time the journal or register is stored as a PDF document. This check box is available only if the Journals and Registers check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section.

Note If Year End or Period End is selected in the Reset Journal Numbers During field in General Ledger Options, a new PDF is always created for all journals set up in Source Journal Maintenance, regardless of the selection in this field. If Year End or Period End is selected in the Reset Register Numbers During field, a new PDF is always created for registers, regardless of the selection in this field.


Period End Reports

Select this check box to save only the most recent copy of each period-end report PDF document created. If this check box is selected, reprinting a period-end report as a PDF document will overwrite the existing PDF document. Clear this check box to create a new PDF document each time the period-end report is stored as a PDF document. This check box is available only if the Period End Reports check box is selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section.

Note If you select this check box, the report is always overwritten regardless of whether different saved settings are used to generate the report.