Landed Cost Entry - Fields


Landed Cost Entry

Cost Type

Enter the landed cost type, or click the Lookup button to list all cost types.



This field displays the description of the cost type entered in the Cost Type field, and can only be viewed.


Allocation Method

This field displays the allocation method of the cost type entered in the Cost Type field, and can only be viewed.



Type an amount for each cost type, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. These amounts are not included in the receipt total.

When a freight or prepaid freight amount is entered or changed in Receipt of Goods Entry, and the Automatic Update check box is selected in Landed Cost Type Maintenance for the FRGHT cost type, the new amount is updated automatically in the Landed Cost Entry window. If multiple purchase orders are applied to the receipt, the landed cost from all consolidated orders is totaled and automatically allocated to each line item. If you change the amount for the FRGHT landed cost type, the freight or prepaid amounts are not updated in Receipt of Goods Entry.


Total Landed Cost

This field displays the total amount for the landed cost, and can only be viewed.