Employee Other Tax History Detail Drill Down - Fields


Employee Other Tax History Detail Drill Down

Employee No.

This field displays the selected employee number and can only be viewed.


Tax Group

This field displays the tax group and can only be viewed.


Check Date

This field displays the check date for the pay period in which the tax was calculated, and it can only be viewed.


Employer Tax

This option is selected if taxes shown in the window are employer paid and can only be viewed.


Employee Tax

This option is selected if taxes shown in the window are employee paid and can only be viewed.


Tax Code

This field displays the tax code associated with the tax and can only be viewed.


Tax Code Description

This field displays the tax code description and can only be viewed.


Wages Subject to Tax

This field displays the wages that are subject to the tax . Even if the employee's wages have exceeded the wage cap (if any) for the tax, the total wage amount appears in this field, including the amount that exceeded the cap. The capped amount appears in the Capped Wages field.

The amount in this field is automatically updated as each payroll is processed. To manually edit the amount, click the Fix button. The Fix button is available only if you have the appropriate security setup.


Capped Wages

If the employee's wages have exceeded the wage cap for the tax, the capped amount appears in this field. If the wages have not yet exceeded the cap, the full wage amount subject to the tax appears.

The amount in this field is automatically updated as each payroll is processed. To manually edit the amount, click the Fix button. The Fix button is available only if you have the appropriate security setup.



This field displays the tax amount.

The amount in this field is automatically updated as each payroll is processed. To manually edit the amount, click the Fix button. The Fix button is available only if you have the appropriate security setup.