Payroll Expense and Tax Accrual - Fields


Payroll Expense and Tax Accrual

General Ledger Period Ending Date

This field displays the General Ledger period-ending date and can only be viewed.


Payroll Posting Date

This field displays the the Payroll posting date and can only be viewed.


Pay Period

This field displays the pay period starting date and can only be viewed.



This field displays the pay period ending date and can only be viewed.


Accrual Date for Wage Expense and Taxes

This field displays the accrual date to use for General Ledger postings. The default date setting is calculated based on the Payroll posting date and the Payroll period-ending date. You can change the date if needed.


Accrual Percentage

This field displays the percentage of wage expense and taxes that will be accrued. The default percentage setting is calculated based on the Payroll posting date and the Payroll period-ending date. You can change the percentage set it to zero to prevent accrual postings.

During the Check Register update, all selected wage and tax postings will be allocated based on this percentage.