Update to A/P Invoice Data Entry - Fields


Update to Invoice Data Entry

Vendor No.

Enter the vendor number for the invoice.


Invoice Prefix

Enter a prefix to use for the invoice number. The prefix is used, along with the vendor number, to group different deductions into one invoice when updating the Payroll Check Register.


Separate Line per Employee

Select this check box to create separate invoice lines for each employee. Clear this check box to combine all employees with the same deduction into one line on the invoice.


Invoice Line Comment

Enter a comment for the invoice line.

If you leave this field blank, the invoice comment line will be "Payroll Deduction" followed by the deduction code, but you can change the comment in Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry.

You can use a combination of text that you type into this field and the merge fields.


Insert Merge Field

Select a merge field and then click the Copy Merge Field to Clipboard button so that you can then paste the merge field into the Invoice Line Comment field.

You can use a combination of text that you type and the merge fields in the Invoice Line Comment field.

For example:

To insert the label "Check date:" followed by the actual check date into the line comments, enter the following in the Invoice Line Comment field:

Check date: [CheckDate]

The output would look like this: Check date: 5/31/2025