Default Values for Time Track Entry - Fields


Default Values for Time TrackEntry

Date Worked

Enter the default date or click the Lookup button to select a date from the calendar. This will be the default date for the current session only.

This field defaults to the Payroll module date, but it can be changed.


Always Use As Default

Select this check box to use the date in the Date Worked field as the default for all entries.

If you select this check box, the date in the Date Worked field will always be used when you click the Use Default Date button in Time Track Entry.

If you clear this check box, the date in the Date Worked field is used unless you create an entry and enter a different date for it. The date that you enter then becomes the default date.


Labor Code

Enter the default labor code, or click the Lookup button to list all labor codes. If you leave this field blank, the default labor code entered in Employee Maintenance.


Earnings Code

Enter the default earnings code, or click the Lookup button to list all earnings codes. This earnings code will be used instead of default codes entered in Shift Maintenance or Employee Time Track Settings.


Auto Calculate Overtime Hours Without Punch

Select this check box to automatically calculate overtime hours without entering time in the Time In and Time Out fields. Overtime will then be automatically calculated (according to the rules in Shift Maintenance for the shift in use) based on the value entered in the Hours Worked field.