Update Sales Order Data


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You can print the Sales Journal, followed by a series of daily sales reports, and perform the invoice update to the permanent files. After updating the Sales Journal, you can then update the Daily Transaction Register to the general ledger.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

  • Only journals, reports, and recaps that are selected on the Sales Order Options Printing tab print during the Sales Order update. For more information, see Daily Sales Reports/Updates.

  • For information about what happens during the update process, see Update FAQs.


To update sales order data to the permanent files

  1. Select Sales Order Main menu > Daily Sales Reports/Updates.

  2. In the Sales Journal window, enter the Sales Order posting date and click Print.

Note You can perform the update only if the reports are printed, not if they are previewed.

  1. After the Sales Journal prints, you are prompted to print the journals and recaps that were selected in Sales Order Options to print during the update. Click Yes to print each report or series of reports.

  2. If credit card and/or ACH processing is enabled, you can process credit card and ACH payment transactions. In the Perform Payment Processing window, click Yes to process the credit card and ACH payment transactions and proceed with the Sales Journal update.

  3. When the final report prints, you are prompted to update the Sales Journal to the permanent files. Review the Sales Journal for accuracy before updating. If there are errors, return to Invoice Data Entry or Shipping Data Entry and make the necessary changes before reprinting the Sales Journal and proceeding with the update.

    If you do not update the invoice and shipping information at this time, the information remains in the Invoice Data Entry file and is included the next time an update is performed.

Warning  Do not, under any circumstances, interrupt the update process.

  1. Save the most recently printed Sales Journal as an audit trail of invoiced receivables, cash sales, and adjustments.

    If your role security is set up so that the Daily Transaction Register is automatically printed and updated, the process is complete. If not, continue with the next step.

  2. When the message prompt to print the Daily Transaction Register appears, click Yes.

  3. After the register prints, you are prompted to update the Daily Transaction Register. Click Yes to update the Daily Transaction Register to the general ledger.

The update is complete. Information entered in Invoice Data Entry or Shipping Data Entry is updated to the Accounts Receivable Invoice/Shipping History files if you selected Yes or Summary in the Retain Detailed Invoice/Shipping History field in Accounts Receivable Options.