Purge Obsolete Sales Orders


Window Details


How Do I...



Purge Sales Order Data











Select Sales Order Utilities menu > Purge Obsolete Sales Orders.

This task is available only if S/O Invoice Data Entry and Shipping Data Entry are not in progress.


Use Purge Obsolete Sales Orders to remove all obsolete standard sales orders or back orders, including the associated credit card information, whose order dates are on or before the date entered. You can also enter a selection of sales order numbers to remove.

Be sure to back up your data before performing this purge. Do not purge sales orders with order dates within the current year.

After the purge is complete, the System Activity Log is updated with the date, time, company code, user logon, purge description, and purge date.

If a Sage CRM sales order is purged, a note is written back to the related company in Sage CRM.



Remove Standard Orders and Back Orders Dated on or Before

