Getting Help While You Work
Several sources of information are available to you in the software. Use the following resources to find answers to your questions as you work.
Using the Help System
Use the Help system when you want procedures for day-to-day processing, detailed information and entry samples for fields, and FAQ and troubleshooting information. Overview information and flowcharts illustrating complex concepts are also available in Help. If you do not find what you need, access information from the additional resources provided on the Help menu.
Accessing Help
You can access help using any of the following methods:
From the Desktop, on the Help tab, click Help Topics.
Press F1 in any field in the software to access help for that field.
In the bottom-right corner of any window, click the
button. Help for the specific window appears.
When you access the Sage 100 help, you’ll be taken to the online help site if an internet connection is detected. If you don’t have an internet connection, you’ll see the locally installed help instead.
Customer Support
There are several resources you can use for technical assistance before contacting your Sage business partner or Customer Support:
Refer to the Help system.
Search for answers in the Sage Knowledgebase.
Visit Sage City, the Sage 100 online community.
After using the above options, if you need more assistance, you can start a live chat session with Sage Customer Support or enter a support ticket by selecting an option on the Help tab.