Converting to 64-bit Version of Sage 100
If you installed the 32-bit version of Sage 100 on a computer running the 64-bit version of Windows, you can convert it to the 64-bit version. You should do this only if you are no longer using any earlier 32-bit versions of Sage 100 installed on the same computer, and if all of your Sage 100 workstations are running the 64-bit version of Windows.
All versions of Sage 100 released before version 2021 are 32-bit.
- If you have an earlier 32-bit version of Sage 100 installed on the computer, it will no longer work after you convert version 2023 to 64-bit.
- If you have any Sage 100 workstations running the 32-bit version of Windows, they will no longer be able to run Sage 100 after it has been converted to 64-bit.
Do not convert to 64-bit until after you’ve completed your testing and have created a backup of the data from your earlier version.
To convert from 32-bit to 64-bit
On the computer where Sage 100 2023 is installed, open the folder where the Sage 100 installation program is located.
Click or double-click the 32_64_Bit_Switch_Utility.exe file.
Click Next and then enter the password for the Sage 100 Administrator account.
Click Convert.
Sage 100 is converted to the 64-bit version.
The Workstation Synchronization program automatically upgrades the workstations the next time Sage 100 is started on the workstation.
If running the Application Server as a service, then the following steps are required to re-create the Windows Service after converting from either 32-bit to 64-bit or from 64-bit to 32-bit:
Use the Uninstall Sage 100 Application Server Service shortcut to delete the existing service (a reboot may be necessary to complete this step).
Re-create the service using the Sage 100 Application Server Service Setup shortcut.