Invoice Payment Selection Listing


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Add Invoices to Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance





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Invoice Payment Selection

Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report

Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance





Select Accounts Payable Check Printing and Electronic Payment menu > Invoice Payment Selection. In the Invoice Payment Selection window, click the Print button.


The Invoice Payment Selection Listing is a worksheet that lists all invoices selected for payment through Invoice Payment Selection or Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance. Review your invoice selections on this listing to make needed adjustments (for example, add or delete a vendor or invoice to pay) in Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance before printing checks. This listing is not an accounting document; retain copies of the checks and the check register as accounting documents.

This listing provides the vendor name, invoice number, date, due date, and amount, along with the discount due date and amount, if applicable. Multiple invoices for the same vendor are totaled, and the amount is shown on the Check Entry Totals line. Invoices to pay by separate checks are also shown.

If the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Job Cost, Job Distribution information for job-related invoices includes the job number, cost code, cost type, and amount of retention paid, in addition to the standard invoice information.






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