Customer Split Commission Maintenance


Window Details


How Do I...



Set Up Split Commissions by Customer








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Split Commission Entry

Default Values for Sales Order Entry

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Use one of the following methods to access this window:

Note The Split Comm button is available after a salesperson is entered if the Split Commissions Between Salespersons check box is selected in Sales Order Options.  


Use Customer Split Commission Maintenance to set up default values for distributing the commission for sales orders and Sales Order invoices. The default values appear in the Split Commission Entry window accessed from Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry, but they can be changed.

You can add a percent of commission for up to four additional salespersons. The primary salesperson's percentage will be reduced to reflect the remaining balance. The total percent of commission cannot exceed 100 percent.

Note If a salesperson is entered in the Default Values for Sales Order Entry window, the split commission information entered in this task will default to the Split Commission Entry window only if that salesperson is the customer's default primary salesperson.

Note If the customer's primary salesperson is not the salesperson associated with the ship-to code used for the order or invoice, the ship-to salesperson will be the default salesperson unless the Customer Split Commission to Override Ship-To Salesperson check box is selected in Sales Order Options.



Customer No.

Percent of Commission



Primary Salesperson

Percent of Commission


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