Commission Edit Maintenance - Fields


Commission Edit Maintenance

Salesperson Number

Enter the salesperson number representing the salesperson whose record you want to edit, or click the Lookup button to list all salesperson numbers. Click the Search button to display a list of all invoices and invoice dates by salesperson and customer number.


Customer Number

Enter the customer number representing the customer whose record you want to edit, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.


Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number of the invoice you want to edit, or click the Lookup button to list all invoice numbers.


Line Has Been Previously Edited

If this record has been previously modified, the Line Has Been Previously Edited check box will be selected. This field is for display purposes only and cannot be changed.


Invoice Date

Enter the date of the invoice, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the Calendar.


Pay Date

Enter the date on which this invoice was paid, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the Calendar.


Apply to Number

Enter the invoice number to which this credit or debit memo was applied.


Invoice Total

Enter the total invoice amount, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator.


Invoice Amount Paid

Enter the amount of the invoice that has been paid, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator..


Sales Sub to Commission

Enter the amount of this invoice that is subject to commission, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator..


Cost Sub to Commission

Enter the cost of sales that is subject to commission, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator..


Commission Amount

Enter the dollar amount of commissions for this invoice, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator.. If commissions are paid on the invoice amount, this amount can be calculated by multiplying the Sales Sub to Commission amount by the Commission Rate.

If commissions are calculated on gross profit, this amount can be calculated by subtracting the Cost Sub to Commission amount from the Sales Sub to Commission amount, and multiplying that amount by the Commission Rate.

Click the Recalculate Commission button to recalculate the amount in the Commission Amount field if information in the Commission Rate, Sales Subject to Commission, or Cost Subject to Commission fields has been modified; otherwise, the amount will not change.


Commission Rate

Enter the commission percentage for this salesperson and invoice. Click the Set Commission Rate to Default button to reset the commission rate to the default value.


Split Commission Percent

If this invoice has a split commission associated with it, enter the percentage of the total commission related to this particular salesperson for this invoice.


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