Cash Expectation Report


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Select Accounts Receivable Reports menu > Cash Expectation Report.


Use the Cash Expectation Report to provide a summary of outstanding customer invoices due for up to four consecutive periods and one "future" period. This report provides a comprehensive picture of the cash you expect to receive within a given time frame. The "future" period will contain all cash expectations beyond the four periods.

Note Information is provided for any specific date as long as the date does not represent a period that is already closed, or the invoice date and the accounting date are not in the same accounting period. Entries made in the Ending Date fields must be prior to Ending Date 4.

Information on the report includes the customer number and name, invoice number and due date, available discount and due date, invoice balance, and aged payments due. Due dates can also be calculated using the average days to pay information for each customer. Totals are provided by customer and division, with a total of all payments due within the period-ending dates specified.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Accounts Receivable, the job number and retention balance are printed for job-related invoices. If the Track Job Cost Retention Receivables check box is selected in the Accounts Receivable Options window, only three accounting periods can be printed. To replace the fourth accounting period, the retention balances for job invoices are printed on this report in a separate column. The retention amounts are not included in the cash expectation balances.



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Apply Discounts


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