Sales Analysis by Salesperson


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Select Accounts Receivable Reports menu > Sales Analysis by Salesperson.


Use Sales Analysis by Salesperson to obtain a recap of sales analysis information that can be sorted by salesperson, customer number, period-to-date sales, year-to-date sales, and prior-year sales for any fiscal year and period defined. Use this report to accurately reflect salesperson sales based on the salesperson assigned to each invoice. You can include period-to-date, year-to-date, or prior-year information, or you can incorporate all three periods.

You can enter a selection of salespersons, customer numbers, period-to-date sales, year-to-date sales, prior-year sales, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print.

The information detailed in this report allows you to compare receivables activity by salesperson and customer for any of the three periods selected. If you have created divisions, divisional totals are also provided.

Note The sales on the Sales Analysis by Salesperson report reflect what was sold to the customer by the primary salesperson. This report also contains sales tax and freight depending on the settings in the Include Sales Tax and Freight in Sales History fields in Accounts Receivable Options.



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