Price Level by Customer Maintenance


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How Do I...



Set Up Product Lines/Price Levels by Customer






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Sales Order Options

Price Code Maintenance

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Copy From (Price Level by Customer Maintenance)

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Access this task using one of the following methods:

This task is available only if the Enable Default Price Level by Customer check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


Use Price Level by Customer Maintenance to establish default price levels that can be used when entering sales orders and 1-step sales order invoices. Use this task to set up default price levels for the customer by product line only, a combination of product line and price code, or product line and ship-to code depending on the selection made in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options. Effective and end dates can be defined for each product line/price level record to determine when the customer price level is in effect. You can also establish a customer price level for one or more product lines.

If this task is accessed from the Setup menu or the Price Level button in Product Line Maintenance, you can set up price levels for multiple customers. If this task is accessed from Customer Maintenance, you can set up default price levels for the selected customer.

You can copy product line/price level records that have been previously created for one customer to one or to multiple customers.  



Customer No.

Price Code/Ship-To Code


Price Code Desc/Ship-To Name

Customer Price Level

Effective Date

Customer Price Level Grid

End Date

Prod Line

Price Lvl

Prod Line Desc



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