Price Level by Customer Maintenance - Fields


Price Level by Customer Maintenance

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Customer No.

Enter the customer number, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

Click the Customer Search button to list all customers with product line/price levels already defined. If this task is accessed from Customer Maintenance, the customer number can only be viewed and the Customer Search button is not available.

Note The Copy From button is available only if this task is accessed from Customer Maintenance and you have the appropriate security setup.



This field displays the name of the customer and can only be viewed.


Customer Price Level

This field displays the price level assigned to the customer in the Price Level field in Customer Maintenance. This field can only be viewed.

Note The price level displayed in this field will be the default price level used in sales orders and Sales Order Invoice Data Entry when price levels set up in Price Level by Customer Maintenance do not apply.


Customer Price Level Grid

Enter data for each corresponding field in the grid.


Prod Line

Enter a product line code to use for this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all product line codes. Product lines are defined in Product Line Maintenance.


Prod Line Desc

This field displays the product line description and can only be viewed.


Price Code/Ship-To Code

If Price Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, enter a price code for this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all price codes. Price codes are defined in Price Code Maintenance.

If Ship-To Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, enter a ship-to code for this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all ship-to codes for the selected customer. Ship-to codes are defined in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance.

Select All Price Codes or All Ship-To Codes to select all price codes or all ship-to codes for this customer.

Note Records with specific price codes or ship-to codes will override records that do not specify a price code or ship-to code.


Price Code Desc/Ship-To Name

This field displays the price code description or ship-to name and can only be viewed.


Effective Date

Enter an effective date to determine when the price level will take effect, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.

Note A message will appear if the date range entered conflicts with the date range of an existing record for the same product line and price code or ship-to code for this customer.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample

No message will appear if the effective date is different.

Product Line

Price Code

Price Level

Effective Date

End Date

C & A





C & A






A message will appear because the dates are overlapping each other.

Product Line

Price Code

Price Level

Effective Date

End Date

C & A





C & A






End Date

Enter the date the price level assigned to the customer will expire, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. The price level will be effective through and including the end date.

Note A message will appear if the date range entered conflicts with the date range of an existing record for the same product line and price code or ship-to code for this customer.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample

No message will appear if the effective date is different.

Product Line

Price Code

Price Level

Effective Date

End Date

C & A





C & A






A message will appear because the dates are overlapping each other.

Product Line

Price Code

Price Level

Effective Date

End Date

C & A





C & A






Price Lvl

Type a price level to use for this customer. A price level can be an alpha or numeric character; a special character can also be entered.

Note The price level entered in this field will be the default price level used in Sales Order Entry and Sales Order Invoice Data Entry. This price level will take precedence over the default price level assigned in the Price Level field in Customer Maintenance.

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