Purge Accounts Receivable History


Window Details






Select Accounts Receivable Utilities menu > Purge Accounts Receivable History.


Use Purge Accounts Receivable History to purge Accounts Receivable historical data, including invoice and the associated credit card information, cash receipts, customer sales, deposit, and salesperson history. You can purge multiple history files, a combination of history files, or one history file at a time.

You can specify a date when purging data from invoice history and deposit history or to only purge deleted invoices from invoice history. Customer sales history, salesperson history, and cash receipts history can be purged based on a specific fiscal year.

The Activity Log is updated with the date, time, company code, user logon and a message that the Purge Accounts Receivable History utility was run.



Remove Invoice History

Remove Customer Sales History

Remove Deleted Invoices Only

Remove Salesperson History

Remove Invoice History Dated on or Before

Remove Cash Receipts History

Remove Deposit History

Fiscal Year to Remove History By

Remove Deposit History Date on or Before



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