Purge Accounts Receivable History - Fields


Purge Accounts Receivable History


Remove Invoice History

Select this check box to remove invoice history dated on or before the date entered in the Remove Invoice History Dated on or Before field. Clear this check box if you do not want to remove invoice history.


Remove Deleted Invoices Only

Select this check box to remove deleted invoices only. Clear this check box if you do not want to remove deleted invoices only. This check box is available only if the Remove Invoice History check box is selected.


Remove Invoice History Dated on or Before

Enter a date in this field to remove invoice history dated on or before the entered date. This field defaults to the module date; however, any date can be entered in this field. Click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only if the Remove Invoice History check box is selected.


Remove Deposit History

Select this check box to remove deposit history dated on or before the date entered in the Remove Deposit History Dated on or Before field. Clear this check box if you to not want to remove deposit history.


Remove Deposit History Dated on or Before

Enter a date in this field to remove deposit history dated on or before the entered date. This field defaults to the module date; however, any date can be entered in this field. Click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only if the Remove Deposit History check box is selected.


Remove Customer Sales History

Select this check box to remove customer sales history dated on or before the date entered in the Fiscal Year to Remove History By field. Clear this check box if you do not want to remove customer sales history.

This field is available only if the number entered in the Years to Retain Customer History field in the Accounts Receivable Options window is greater than 2.


Remove Salesperson History

Select this check box to remove salesperson history dated on or before the date entered in the Fiscal Year to Remove History By field. Clear this check box if you do not want to remove salesperson history.

This field is available only if the number entered in the Years to Retain Salesperson History field in the Accounts Receivable Options window is greater than 2.


Remove Cash Receipts History

Select this check box to remove cash receipts history dated on or before the date entered in the Fiscal Year to Remove History By field. Clear this check box if you do not want to remove cash receipts history.

This field is available only if the number entered in the Years to Retain Customer History field in the Accounts Receivable Options window is greater than 2.


Fiscal Year to Remove History By

This field defaults the year defined in the Current Fiscal Year field in the Accounts Receivable Options window minus 2. You can also select any defined fiscal year except the prior year, current year, or any future fiscal year.

This field is available only if the Remove Customer Sales, Remove Salesperson History, or Remove Cash Receipts History check box is selected.


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