Replace or Delete a Component


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Each line item in the Replace and Delete Component Entry window represents a component item to replace or delete. You can enter as many line items as you want. The line number is assigned automatically and is displayed as you enter each new line item. If line items are inserted or deleted, subsequent line items are renumbered automatically.


To replace or delete a component

  1. Select Bill of Materials Change Control menu > Replace and Delete Component Entry.

  2. In the Reference No. field, click the Next Reference No. button to assign the next number. For more information, see Replace and Delete Component Entry - Fields.

  3. In the Comment field, enter a comment for replacing or deleting components.

  4. In the Type field, select Replace or Delete.

  5. If you are replacing a component, in the Original Component field, enter the original component. In the Replacement Component field, enter the replacement component.

  6. If you are deleting a component, in the Deleted Component field, enter the component being deleted.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. Click the Print button and update the Replace and Delete Component Register and Daily Transaction Register.

The component has been replaced or deleted.

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