Bank Reconciliation Report


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Purge Cleared Documents

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Reconcile Bank Reconciliation for the First Time after Integration

Print a Journal or Register as a PDF

Adjust an Out-of-Balance Condition



Related Topics


Calculating the Book Balance

Posting Transactions to General Ledger

Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register



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The Bank Reconciliation Report lists all documents entered for a specified date range and provides a reconciliation summary. This report serves as an audit record of bank account activity. It displays checks, deposits, wire transfers, and adjustments recorded automatically through the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, and Purchase Order updates, and information entered manually in Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry. The Bank Reconciliation Report is normally printed following the use of Reconcile Bank.

Checks and wire transfers are listed in order according to check number or system generated wire transfer number. The entry number, source, reference, payee name, whether the transaction has been cleared and the cleared date, and the transaction amount print for each check or wire transfer. If the bank provided wire transfer number is entered, it is also printed.

Deposits and adjustments are listed in chronological order. The document type, reference, comment, whether the document has been cleared and the cleared date, and the debit or credit amount print for each deposit or adjustment. Entries that reduce the bank account balance appear as debits; entries that increase the bank account balance appear as credits. For example, if you enter a bank service charge as an adjustment, it appears as a debit.

The reconciliation summary at the end of the report totals all outstanding checks, deposits, and adjustments. These totals are added to or subtracted from the amount entered in the Statement Ending Balance field in Reconcile Bank to derive the adjusted bank balance amount. The calculated book balance amount on the Bank Reconciliation Report reflects the cumulative system balance through the ending document date. Any outstanding checks, deposits, or adjustments dated prior to the ending date that have not yet been cleared are included in the calculated book balance amount. The out-of-balance amount is the difference between the adjusted bank balance amount and the calculated book balance amount; to be in balance, this amount must equal zero. The summary also includes the general ledger cash account number for each bank code.

When printing the report for a single bank code, if all criteria has been met to allow the removal of cleared documents, and there are cleared documents with the Select For G/L Posting check box selected that have not yet been posted to the General Ledger, a message appears prompting you to print and update the Bank Reconciliation Transaction Register before you can remove the cleared documents.

Note You must print and update the entries before purging the cleared documents.



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