Miscellaneous Item Listing


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Print a Report, Listing, or Form



E-mail, Fax, or Print a Report as a PDF

Report Sample


Enter Multiple Values Using Separators


Related Topics



Miscellaneous Item Maintenance

General Ledger Options

Sales Order Options

Purchase Order Options

Accounts Receivable Options





Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Miscellaneous Item Listing to provide a list of miscellaneous item, charge, and comment code information. When printing miscellaneous items and charge items, you can also select to print the general ledger accounts, internet item information, and historical information. The history information can be printed for a particular fiscal year and accounting period and includes period-to-date, year-to-date, and prior year sales and/or purchases information.

When printing comment code information, you can select to print partial or full comment text, or no comment text at all. You can sort the report by item code or item description. You can select all modules or any combination of modules to provide a listing of miscellaneous items, charges, and comment codes that are allowed to be used in that particular module, and select to print only internet items. You can also enter a selection of item codes, item descriptions, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print. By entering these selections, you can obtain a list of items that allows you to identify pertinent information.



Report Setting

Print Comments


Print G/L Accounts


Print Extended Descriptions

Default Report

Print Internet Item Information

Print Report Settings

Allow Use in Module

Three Hole Punch

Print Internet Items Only

Number of Copies

Item Types to Print



Sort Report By


Print History Information


Fiscal Year

Keep Window Open After Print

Accounting Period

Keep Window Open After Preview


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