Lot/Serial Number Distribution - Fields


Lot/Serial Number Distribution


Lot Number/Serial Number

Enter the lot or serial number for this distribution, or click the Lookup button to list quantities previously received.

Click the Show All Lots button to view all lot numbers. You can then click the drop-down button and select Hide Zero Lots to hide lots that have not been used for distribution of the item.

Click the Select Serial Numbers button to view a list of available serial numbers for the item. If you are adding items to stock, the Add Serial Numbers button is available.



This field displays the lot or serial number quantity available for the selected lot or serial number and can only be viewed.



Type the total quantity to distribute for the lot or serial number selected.



This field displays the sales order lot/serial distribution quantity and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Enable Lot/Serial Distribution check box is selected in Sales Order Options, and if the Lot/Serial Number Distribution window is accessed from S/O Invoice Data Entry and Shipping Data Entry.


Auto Increment

This check box appears selected for lot items and appears cleared for serial items, regardless of the setting in the Auto Increment check box in Shipping Data Entry. If you use the scanner to scan the Auto Increment Qty Toggle keyword on the Shipping Options Listing, this field will toggle from selected to cleared and vice versa.

This field is available only if the Enable Shipping check box is selected in Sales Order Options and scanning is set up. For more information, see Enter or Scan Items in Shipping Data Entry.


Distribution Balance

This field displays a running total of the remaining quantity to distrubute and can only be viewed. The balance in this field does not reflect the quantity entered for the current line.

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