Create Relationship / Maintain Relationship / Promote Company to Customer - Fields


Create Relationship / Maintain Relationship / Promote Company to Customer

Record Type

This field displays the type of Sage 100 record that will be related to the selected company, person, or address, and can only be viewed. If a company is selected, this field displays Customer. If a person is selected, this field displays Contact. If an address is selected, this field displays Ship-To Address.



Select this check box to create a relationship between the selected Sage CRM record and a record in the Sage 100 system. Clear this check box to delete a relationship between the selected Sage CRM company, person, or address and its related Sage 100 record. This check box can be cleared only if there are no open sales orders, quotes, or invoices for the related records.


Sage 100 Company Code

Enter the Sage 100 company code associated with the customer for which you are creating a relationship, or click the Lookup button to view a list of all company codes. If the Sage CRM company is already linked to a customer in a Sage 100 company or if a prospect quote has already been created for the Sage CRM company, this field can only be viewed.


Customer No.

Enter the Sage 100 customer number to relate to the selected Sage CRM company. Click the Lookup button to list all customers in the Sage 100 company that are not related to Sage CRM companies. Click the Suggest Relationship button to view suggested matches in the Suggested Relationships for Companies window.

If the Allow Customer Creation from Sage CRM check box is selected in CRM Company Options, a new customer number can be entered. If the Accounts Receivable Divisions check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the new customer can be created in any division in which the current CRM user is linked to a salesperson.

Click the Next Customer Number button to automatically assign the next new customer number entered in the Next Automatic Customer Number field in Accounts Receivable Options. The Next Customer Number button is available only if the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

If you are manually entering a Sage 100 customer, do not use the following special characters:


Double quotes


Single quote






Back slash


Question mark


Percent sign






Vertical bar/pipe


Less than


Greater than




Customer Template

Enter the customer template to use for the new Accounts Receivable customer, or click the Lookup button to list all customer templates defined in Customer Template Maintenance. The selected customer template is used to enter common fields for new customers.

This field is available only if the Allow Customer Template Selection from Sage CRM check box is selected in CRM Company Options.


Contact Code

Enter the Sage 100 contact code to relate to the selected person, or click the Lookup button to list all contacts that are not related to Sage CRM persons.

Click the Suggest Relationship button to view suggested matches in the Suggested Relationships for Contacts window.

A new contact code can be entered. Click the Next Contact Code button to automatically assign a new contact code.


Ship-To Code

Enter the Sage 100 ship-to address code to relate to the selected address, or click the Lookup button to list all ship-to addresses that are not related to Sage CRM addresses. Click the Suggest Relationship button to view suggested matches in the Suggested Relationships for Addresses window.

A new ship-to code can be entered. Click the Next Ship-To Code button to automatically assign a new ship-to code.

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