Fiscal Year Maintenance


Window Details


How Do I...





Create a Fiscal Year



Recalculate Item Balance and History


Related Topics


Inventory Management Options

Vendor Maintenance

Customer Maintenance

Item Maintenance



Select General Ledger Setup menu > Fiscal Year Maintenance.

For new companies, you can only access Fiscal Year Maintenance after completing the General Ledger Setup Wizard.

Only one user at a time can access Fiscal Year Maintenance. The second user that accesses this window will open an inquiry version.


Use Fiscal Year Maintenance to maintain a number of periods and period-end dates for the current fiscal year and for as many past and future years as needed. The current fiscal year is initially set up during new company setup using the General Ledger Setup Wizard, but you can further maintain the current fiscal year and an unlimited number of future fiscal years in this window.

The item balance and history information is recalculated depending on the changes made to the fiscal year record.

Note The item history by period information is only recalculated if Fiscal is selected in the Base Inventory Periods on field in Inventory Management Options. The information on the History tab in Customer Maintenance, Vendor Maintenance, and Salesperson Maintenance is not recalculated.

When the Recalculate button is clicked, the item history information in the following tasks and reports are affected: Miscellaneous Item Maintenance, Item Maintenance, Inventory Detail Transaction Report, Item Listing with Sales History, Inventory Turnover Report, Inventory Valuation Report by Period, Miscellaneous Item History by Period, and Miscellaneous Item Listing.

The Sales Order recaps will impact the following four reports: Sales Recap by Product Line, Sales Recap by Warehouse, Sales Recap by Warehouse by Product Line, and Sales Recap by Division.

The General Ledger posting history by period impacts the following areas and reports: Account Maintenance History tab, Budget Maintenance Activity, General Ledger Worksheet, General Ledger Trial Balance, Financial Reports, General Ledger Detail Reports, Exception Report, General Ledger Graphics, General Ledger Analysis, Budget and History Report, and Budget and History Report by Period





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