Vendor Maintenance / Vendor Inquiry


Window Details









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Copy Vendor Information

Renumber a Vendor

Add 1099 Payments to Vendor History

Enter a Remit-to Address

Fix Vendor Purchase and Payment History

Set Up Paperless Office


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Paperless Office Delivery Options

Copy From (Vendor Maintenance)

Credit Card Payment Transfer Details (Vendor Maintenance)

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Vendor Contact Maintenance

A/P Terms Code Maintenance

Vendor Contact Maintenance (On the Fly)

A/P Terms Code Maintenance (On the Fly)

Purchase Address Maintenance

Account Maintenance / Account Inquiry

Purchase Address Maintenance (On the Fly)

Country Code Maintenance

Remit To Address Maintenance

Delete and Change Vendors

Detailed Receipt History

Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance

1099 Payment History

ZIP Code Maintenance

Search for Open Invoices

Vendor Listing

Search for Transactions

Vendor Listing with Balances

Search for Checks

Vendor Numbering Methods

Search for Purchase Orders

Sales Tax FAQs

Vendor Viewer

Inactive Reason Code Maintenance

Inactive Status Exception List





Access this window using one of the following methods:

Note Vendor Inquiry fields can only be viewed.


Use Vendor Maintenance to create and maintain detailed records for each of your vendors. Use Vendor Inquiry to view detailed records of your vendors.

This task provides several major functions that allow you to set up, maintain, and inquire about vendors, including:

Vendor records can be deleted only if there is no outstanding activity for that vendor. If there is activity, such as pending orders, you must wait until all open invoices for the vendor are paid and purged before you proceed with the record deletion, or use the Delete and Change Vendors utility.



Vendor No.




1. Main




ZIP Code

Credit Card Vendor


Hold Payment


Electronic Payment


Standard Entry Class

Primary Contact

Exemption No. on File


Tax Schedule


Tax Class


E-mail Address

Terms Code

URL Address



2. Additional



Primary Purchase Address

Vendor Status

Vendor Type

Inactive Reason

Default Form

G/L Account

Taxpayer ID No./Social Sec No.

Separate Check

Default Box No.

Retention Rate

Misc Box 9


Electronic Consent Signed

Batch Fax


Use P/O Receipt of Invoice Entry for this Vendor




3. Statistics


Last Purchase Date

Average Days to Pay

Last Payment Date

Average Days Overdue

Last Check Number

Balance Due

Last Check Amount

Aged by Invoice Date



4. Summary


Fiscal Period


Fiscal Year

Discounts Taken


Discounts Lost



5. History


Purchase and Payment History

Fiscal Year



6. Invoices


Invoices List Boxes




7. Transactions


Transactions List Box




8. Checks


Checks List Box




9. P/Os


P/Os List Box

Total Invoiced

Total Ordered



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