Vendor Listing


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Related Topics



Vendor Maintenance / Vendor Inquiry

Vendor Listing with Balances

Vendor Electronic Payment

Paperless Office Delivery Options

Accounts Payable Options

Paperless Office Options

Deferred Printing

Paperless Office Selection

Office Template Manager





Access this window using one of the following methods:


The Vendor Listing provides a list of vendor-related information. You can select to print only 1099, only credit card, only electronic payment, only on payment hold, only active, only temporary, only inactive, or all vendors in the vendor number range selected.

You can print terms codes, 1099 payment history, electronic payment information, and purchase and e-mail addresses for the selected range of vendors.

You can enter a selection of vendor numbers and names, vendor types, sort fields, states, ZIP Codes, tax schedules, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print.

Note To print a listing with balance information, use the Vendor Listing with Balances report.



Report Setting

Print Vendor Memos


Print Vendor Contacts


Print 1099 Payment History

Default Report

Print Purchase Addresses

Print Report Settings

For Calendar Year

Three Hole Punch

Print Paperless Delivery Options

Number of Copies

Print Electronic Payment Information



Sort Report By


Vendors to Print


Report Type to Print

Keep Window Open After Print

Include Vendors on Payment Hold

Keep Window Open After Preview


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