Source Journal Maintenance


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Select General Ledger Setup menu > Source Journal Maintenance.

Only one user at a time can access Source Journal Maintenance; the second user that accesses this window will open an inquiry window.


Use Source Journal Maintenance to create and maintain source journals and to view source journal history. Each source journal is identified by a source journal code during journal entry, and each module register that posts to the General Ledger module uses a unique source journal code to identify its transactions. In addition, each source journal code is assigned a register number and journal entry number used to identify the register and journal posting to the General Ledger module.

Source journal history tracks information updated from the General Ledger module and all other modules that update to the General Ledger module using the Daily Transaction Register. You can also drill down into a source journal to view detailed postings for the journal/register.

Note  Source journals are automatically created when journals are updated from other modules and the required source journal does not exist. You can add source journals on-the-fly from General Journal Entry, Recurring Journal Entry, and Transaction Journal Entry.

Note  Journal and register entries that are out of balance are indicated by an asterisk (*).




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