Source Journal Maintenance - Fields


Source Journal Maintenance

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Source Journal

Enter the source journal code to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all source journal codes. Source journal codes identify journal entries posted to the General Ledger module. Each source journal is identified by a source journal code during journal entry, and each module register that posts to the General Ledger module uses a unique source journal code to identify its transactions. The Non-Financial Journal (NF) source journal is provided by default.

Note: Source journal codes can also be added on the fly in General Journal Entry, Recurring Journal Entry, and Transaction Journal Entry.

Expand/Collapse item Example - Common Source Journal Codes

These are examples of source journals created by the system when updating from other modules to the General Ledger module.

JE - Journal Entry

AP - Accounts Payable

AR - Accounts Receivable

CD - Cash Disbursements

PR - Payroll

CR - Cash Receipts

SJ - Sales Journal

NF - Non-Financial Data




Type a description for the source journal. The description is assigned to each register and journal entry that uses this source journal.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample

General Journal


Journal Type

Select the source journal type. During General Journal Entry, Recurring Journal Entry, and Transaction Journal Entry, only non-financial accounts can be entered if the associated journal type is non-financial. Similarly, only financial-type accounts can be entered if the journal type is financial.

Note: If Non-Financial is selected, the Next Register field is not available.


Next Journal

Type a number to be assigned to the next journal entry created in General Journal Entry, Recurring Journal Entry, or Transaction Journal Entry. If you do not enter a number in either General Journal Entry, Transaction Journal Entry, or Recurring Journal Entry, the number displayed here is assigned automatically to that entry. This number is then incremented automatically.

Note: The journal entry number is reset to 000001 according to your selection in the Reset Journal Numbers During field in General Ledger Options.


Next Register

Type a register number for the source journal selected to be used by the next module posting to the General Ledger module. This number is incremented automatically after each posting to the General Ledger module and provides an audit trail of all postings back to the source journal.

Note: The register number is reset to 000001 according to your selection in the Reset Register Numbers During field in General Ledger Options or when the register number reaches 009999.



This field lists all journal and register numbers in the Source Journal History file and can only be viewed. Journal numbers are only used by the update programs in the General Ledger module, and register numbers are only used by update programs in all other modules.


Trans Date

This field displays the transaction date for each entry and can only be viewed.

Note: The number of years source journal history is retained is determined by the years entered in the Years to Retain General Ledger History field in General Ledger Options.



This field contains the value from the debit field in the Source Journal History file for each entry and can only be viewed. In most cases, debits and credits should equal. If the debits and credits do not equal, the debit amount appears in red and an asterisk (*) displays in the OB field indicating that the entry is out of balance. Click the Transaction Zoom button to view more information about the out-of-balance entry.

Note The word Deleted displays for registers that have been retained with the status of Deleted. In this case, the Transaction Zoom button is not available.



This field displays an asterisk (*) if the journal or register entry is out of balance (debits do not equal credits). You can click the Transaction Zoom button to view more information about the out-of-balance entry. This field can only be viewed.



This field displays the computer's system date when the journal or register was updated and can only be viewed. By default, the newest records appear first.



This field displays the user code of the individual who performed the journal or register update and can only be viewed. If user codes are not set up on the system, the terminal ID displays in this field.



This field displays the two-digit module code from where the journal or register update originated and can only be viewed. Journal updates always originate from the General Ledger module, and register updates originate from all other modules.


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