Change a Subaccount and Apply Changes to Accounts


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After creating accounts, you can make changes to existing subaccounts. For example, you can change a subaccount's short description and update the new short description to all accounts that contain the subaccount. Use this procedure to change a subaccount and apply the change to all accounts that contain the subaccount.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

  • This procedure assumes that the subaccount you are modifying has already been used to create accounts.


To change a subaccount and make changes to accounts

  1. Select General Ledger Setup menu > Sub Account Maintenance.

  2. In the Segment field, select the segment for which you want to change a subaccount. For more information, see Sub Account Maintenance - Fields.

  3. In the Sub Account field, enter the existing subaccount to change.

  4. Enter your changes in the appropriate fields and click Apply.

  5. In the Apply Changes window, select the Apply check box at the row containing the field change to apply to all accounts that contain the selected subaccount. You can apply changes from one, all, or a combination of the following subaccount fields: Description, Status, and Start/End Dates. Repeat this step as necessary. For more information, see Apply Changes - Fields.

NOTE  If you selected to apply start and/or end date changes, the date changes are applied only if the new dates are more restrictive than the existing dates. The new start date must be equal to or later than the existing start date, and the new end date must be equal to or earlier than the existing end date.

NOTE  If you selected to apply a description change, the change is applied only to accounts that contain the subaccount's original description. For example, if you changed an account's description in Account Maintenance, the Apply feature will not override the modified description.

  1. Click Proceed.

The subaccount is changed and selected changes from the subaccount are applied to all accounts that contain the subaccount.

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