Customer / Item Pricing Maintenance


Window Details


How Do I...



Define Pricing by Item



Define Contract Pricing




Related Topics


Item Maintenance

Customer Maintenance

Hierarchy of Pricing

Sales Order Entry

Price Lookup

Sales Order Options



Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Customer / Item Pricing Maintenance to set up quantity price breaks for individual items that can be applied automatically in Sales Order Entry. This task is similar to Price Code Maintenance, allowing the setup of price schedules and customer price levels. Use this task to set up item quantity price breaks and/or pricing methods that are unique from those defined in Price Code Maintenance. If you set up item pricing for an item with an assigned price code, the item pricing price schedule takes precedence during Sales Order processing.

The price schedules and price levels entered here apply to only one item and allow you to define pricing for a separate item for a specific customer. In addition, Item Pricing Maintenance also allows override prices that can be applied to specific customers or customer price levels.

Note By default, when applying quantity price breaks for sales orders and Sales Order invoices, the quantity-based reduction is applied to the unit price on a line based on the ordered quantity for that line only. However, by making a selection in the (Item Pricing by Total Quantity) Enable Based On field in Sales Order Options, you can elect to use the ordered quantity for all lines, the ordered quantity for all items that belong to the same product line, or the ordered quantity for all items with the same item category value.



Item Code

From Quantity

Pricing Option

To Quantity

Price Level / Customer No.

Markup Amount / Markup % / Discount Amount / Discount % / Unit Price

Pricing Method

Unit Price

Standard Price / Standard Cost



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