Price Lookup


Window Details









Related Topics


Pricing Priorities

Item Inquiry

Price Code Maintenance

Sales Order Entry

Item Pricing Maintenance

S/O Invoice Data Entry

Item Maintenance




Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Price Lookup to view all standard or custom prices for an item by customer and price level. The prices displayed are based on the price schedules established using Price Code Maintenance and Item Pricing Maintenance. Any applicable sales promotion prices are also displayed.

If you enter a quantity, the price is calculated and displayed based on the pricing information on file for the item and/or customer. If a price schedule does not exist, the price calculation is based on the standard price. If a sales promotion price is in effect on the current date, the sale price is used if it is the lower price.



Item Code

Sales Price

Customer No.

From Quantity / To Quantity / Discount % / Unit Price

Price Level

Order Quantity

Pricing Method


Standard Price

Unit Price

Standard Cost


Sale Starting/Ending Date



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