Inventory Receipts History Report


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Select Inventory Management Reports menu > Inventory Receipts History Report.


Use Inventory Receipts History Report to list details of the quantity received, cost of goods received, quantity returned, and the quantity produced for a single year or range of years for up to 13 separate inventory periods. Transactions are posted to inventory based on the accounting date of the source module, including future-period or future-year transactions. The receipt history information can be printed by item only, by item with warehouse detail, or by item with vendor detail.

You can enter a selection of item codes, product lines, vendor numbers, item descriptions, warehouses, bin locations, year-to-date cost of goods received, user-defined categories (if descriptions have been entered in Inventory Management Options), and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print. You can print only items with a change in quantity received over the last period using the % Change in Qty Rec Prior Period selection. Only items with a change in the quantity received from the prior period based on the percentage or range of percentages entered are printed.



Report Setting Fiscal Years / Calendar Years

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