Apply Product Line Information


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Maintain Product Line Information






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Product Line Maintenance




Select Inventory Management Setup menu > Product Line Maintenance. On the Product Line Maintenance Main tab, click Apply.


Use Apply Product Line Information to maintain product line information. You can change product line information in Product Line Maintenance and update specific product line fields to all inventory items or a range of inventory items in the product line. Information can also be updated for items included on open sales orders or open purchase orders.

Note If you select Kit in the Product Type field in Product Line Maintenance, and click Apply and select the Product Type check box in the Apply Product Line Information window, for any item using a valuation that does not support the Kit product type (standard, lot, or serial), the Product Line Apply Report now displays an asterisk ( * ) next to the items with an explanatory note indicating that the item valuation is incompatible with the selected kit product type. After the report prints, if there are any remaining items on the report not marked with an asterisk ( * ), then you are prompted to apply the product line information. When you click Yes, the product line changes are applied only to the items not marked with an asterisk. For the items with asterisks, no product line changes are applied.  



Apply to Inventory Items


Apply to Open Items



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