eBusiness Manager Options - Fields


eBusiness Manager Options

1. Main


Company Name

Type the company name to display in the header of your Web pages.


Company Logo Image

Enter the file name of the company logo image to display in the header of each Web page, or click the Browse File button to search for an image file. Click the Show Image button to view the image. The logo image should be no more than 60 pixels in height. If the image height is greater than 60 pixels, the Products and Services template must be adjusted to fit the logo. Only file names with a .bmp, .jpg, or .gif extension can be entered in this field.

The image file entered in this field is copied to the MAS90\Images\xxx folder (where xxx is the company code) when you click Accept.

Because all image files reside in the same IIS location, image file names must be unique system-wide.

Warning When .bmp image files are used on the Web, performance is extremely slow. Use .jpg or .gif files for faster performance.


Webmaster E-mail

Type the e-mail address of the company Webmaster. This is a required field.


Number of Detail Lines to Display

Type the number of detail lines to display when browsing and performing inquiries on the Internet (for example, how many invoices to display on the View Invoice Information summary and detail Web pages, or how many items to display on the Products and Services Web page). This field defaults to 10 lines.

This field does not impact how many lines are displayed when drilling down to the invoice or sales order lines detail window or how many items are displayed in the shopping cart. In these cases, all of the lines display on one scrollable page.

Warning Do not enter a number greater than 20 in this field; the number of detail lines displayed can affect the amount of time it takes to render inquiry Web pages. Entering a large number in this field may cause these Web pages to be rendered more slowly.


Minutes to Retain Inactive Session

Type the number of minutes a user can remain logged on with no activity before the clean-up process considers the session to be ended. The clean-up process deletes any temporary files created by that user based on this value. This field defaults to 30 minutes.


Hours to Save Cookie

Type the number of hours to retain a saved user ID and password cookie on a user's PC. The Log On Web page is skipped for .order customers for the period of time that your cookie has been retained. This field defaults to 8760 hours (365 days).


MASISAPI.ini Delay (milliseconds)

Type the number of milliseconds for the ISAPI Plug-In to wait when loading new Web pages. This field defaults to 20 milliseconds.

If clicking a link on the Products and Services Web page produces a blank page, you may need to increase the value entered in this field.


Initial Category to Display

Enter a category to initially display on the Products and Services Web page, or click the Lookup button to list all categories. You can only select a category for which Both is selected in the Category Type field in Category Maintenance.


Initial Page to Display for .order

Select the first Web page to display when a .order customer logs on to your Web site.


Require Acceptance of Customer Changes

Select this check box to require manual acceptance by default of all .order customer changes made from the Internet. Clear this check box to automatically update all .order customer changes to the Customer file by default. The default set up in this field can be changed, by customer, in the Require Acceptance of Customer Changes check box in Customer Maintenance.

Note Changes initiated by .store customers on the Internet are automatically updated to the Customer file regardless of whether this check box or the Require Acceptance of Customer Changes check box in Customer Maintenance is selected.


Require Acceptance of User ID Changes

Select this check box to require manual acceptance by default of all .order user ID changes made from the Internet. Clear the check box to automatically update all .order user ID changes to the User ID file by default. The default set up at this field can be changed, by customer, in the Require Acceptance of User ID Changes check box in Customer Maintenance.

Note Changes initiated by .store customers on the Internet are automatically updated to the Customer master file regardless of whether this check box or the Require Acceptance of User ID Changes check box in Customer Maintenance is selected.


Send Customer Changes Notification

Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when customer changes are updated to the Customer file. Clear this check box if you do not want to send an e-mail notification. If this check box or the Send User ID Changes Notification check box is selected, an e-mail notification is sent when a .store user submits a profile change.


Send User ID Changes Notification

Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when user ID changes are updated to the User ID file. Clear this check box if you do not want to send an e-mail notification. If this check box or the Send Customer Changes Notification check box is selected, an e-mail notification is sent when a .store user submits a profile change.


Number of Decimals in Price

Select the number of decimal places to display in prices on your Web pages. The number selected in the Number of Decimal Places in Price Entries field in Inventory Management Options is displayed by default; the number you select cannot be greater than the number selected in Inventory Management Options.


Number of Decimals in Quantity

Select the number of decimal places to display in quantities on your Web pages. The number selected in the Number of Decimal Places in Quantity Entries field in Inventory Management Options is displayed by default; the number you select cannot be greater than the number selected in Inventory Management Options.


Cascading Style Sheet

Enter the cascading style sheet to use for this company, or click the Browse File button to search for a cascading style sheet file. Click the Preview button to preview the cascading style sheet. Cascading style sheets define the look and feel of the Web site. You can create your own style sheet to give your Web site a personalized look, or select one of the style sheets shipped with eBusiness Manager. Style sheets are stored in the MAS90\IT\Styles folder and are published to the IIS. For more information, see Publish Files to the Internet.

Only file names with a .css extension can be entered in this field.


2. Addresses


(Internet Information Server) Address

Type the URL used to access the Internet Information Server (IIS).


(Internet Information Server) Port

Type the port number on which your Web site is configured. This field defaults to 80.


(Internet Information Server) SSL

Type the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port number on which your Web site is configured. This field defaults to 443.


(Web Engine) Address

Type the IP address or URL of the server where the Web engine is installed. For more information, refer to your eBusinessManager Installation Guide.

The value typed in this field is included in the MASISAPI.ini file, which must be published to the IIS. For more information, see Publish Files to the Internet.

Note Web engine information must be set up for each company; you cannot copy information from one company to another.


(Web Engine) Port

Type the port number on which the Web engine listens. This field defaults to 2953. For maximum security, change this value; do not use 80. This port number must match the port number entered during the Web engine installation.

The value typed in this field is included in the MASISAPI.ini file, which must be published to the IIS. For more information, see Publish Files to the Internet.


(Web Engine) SSL

Type the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port number that the Web engine uses. This field defaults to 2954. For maximum security, change this value; do not use 443. This SSL port number must match the SSL port number entered during the Web engine installation.

The value typed in this field is included in the MASISAPI.ini file, which must be published to the IIS. For more information, see Publish Files to the Internet.


3. Shopping


Require Acceptance of Shopping Cart Submits

Select this check box to require manual acceptance of all shopping cart submissions with a non-credit card payment type. Clear this check box to automatically update all shopping cart submissions to the Sales Order files. If this check box is cleared, the credit card CVV value will be included on the transaction request. The selection in this field can be changed in Customer Maintenance.

For credit card payments, if the Perform Credit Card Authorization when Submitted check box is selected and the Valid Processor Connection check box appears selected for the credit card payment type in Payment Type Maintenance, one authorization is attempted when the payment is submitted. If the credit card authorization is successful, the (shopping card status is set to A (Automatic update) and the update process is performed automatically. If the credit card authorization is not successful, the shopping cart status is set to P (Pending manual update).


Send Shopping Cart Submit Notifications

Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when shopping cart submissions are received. Clear this check box if you do not want to send an e-mail notification.

E-mail notification occurs only with manual acceptance of shopping cart submissions.


Send Shopping Cart Accept Notifications

Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when shopping cart entries are updated to Sales Order Entry, when shopping cart entries are rejected, or when a sales order generated from the Internet is subsequently deleted. Clear this check box if you do not want to send an e-mail notification.


Send Shipped/Invoiced Sales Order Notifications

Select this check box to send an e-mail notification when sales orders generated from the Internet are shipped and invoiced. The e-mail notification is sent during the update of the invoice. Clear this check box if you do not want to send an e-mail notification.


Check For Quantity Available

Select this check box to perform quantity checking during the creation of a sales order. A check for quantity available is performed based on the selection in the Display Quantity Available field. If the ordered quantity of any item is greater than the quantity available, the sales order is placed on hold with the appropriate hold reason code (for example, NSQTY for nonsufficient quantity). Clear this check box if you do not want to perform quantity-available checking. If this check box is cleared and quantity is not available when a shopping cart order is received, the order is not placed on hold.


Display Discontinued Items

Select this check box to display any item flagged as discontinued in the Item file. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the display of discontinued items.


Default Tax Schedule

Enter the default tax schedule to use on the Internet if a sales tax schedule is not assigned based on the Customer Ship To file, Customer file, ZIP Code cross-reference table, or state cross-reference table. Click the Lookup button to list all tax schedules. The sales tax schedule is used to calculate totals. An entry in this field is required if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Hours to Retain Shopping Cart Entry

Type the number of hours to retain unsubmitted shopping cart entries. This allows the removal of expired items on a shopping cart entry. This field defaults to 720 hours (30 days).


Allow .store Ship to Addresses

Select this check box to allow .store customers to enter a shipping address different from their billing address on the Shopping Cart Address and Payment Information Web page. This feature is not available for your .order customers; for .order customers, the address assigned to the ship-to code selected is used as the ship-to address.


Perform Credit Card Authorization when Submitted

Select this check box to perform a credit card authorization when a customer clicks Finish on the Shopping Cart Confirmation Web page. A credit card authorization is performed only if you have registered the Credit Card Processing module.

Note When selecting this check box, note that credit card authorizations can take up to 10-15 seconds for customers who have slower Internet connections.

Clear this check box if you do not want to perform a credit card authorization when a customer clicks Finish on the Shopping Cart Confirmation Web page. If this check box is cleared, all shopping cart submissions with credit card payments are set to a status of P (Pending manual update). This check box is available only if the Credit Card Processing module is installed and set up. For more information, see Install and Configure the Credit Card Processing Module.


Place Orders on Hold with

Select the basis on which to put orders on hold. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


4. .store


Division Number

Enter a division to use for creating .store customer numbers, or click the Lookup button to list all divisions defined in Accounts Receivable Division Maintenance. This field is required if the Accounts Receivable Divisions check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

For more information, see Division Maintenance.


Next Automatic Customer Number

Type a starting number for assigning the next customer number. The system automatically assigns the next customer number when creating customer records on the fly from new .store customer submissions. This field is available only if the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is cleared in Accounts Receivable Options. If the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the next customer number entered in the Next Automatic Customer Number field in Accounts Receivable Options is used as the next automatic customer number for new .store customers.


Terms Code

Enter a terms code to assign to new .store customer records, or click the Lookup button to list all terms codes defined in Terms Code Maintenance.



Enter a salesperson to assign to new .store customer records, or click the Lookup button to list all salespersons. This field is required if the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

For more information, see Salesperson Maintenance.


Ship Code

Enter a ship code defined in Shipping Rate Maintenance to assign as a default shipping method for new consumer .store customer records, or click the Lookup button to list all shipping codes.


Credit Hold

Select this check box to place new .store customer records on credit hold. Clear this check box if you do not want to place a credit hold on new .store customers.


Credit Limit

Type a credit limit to use as a default for new .store customer records. This check box is enabled only if the Customer Credit Limit Checking check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Open Item Customer

Select this check box to assign the Open Item billing method to new .store customer records. This check box is enabled only if Mixed is selected in the Open Item or Balance Forward field in Accounts Receivable Options. Clear this check box to assign the Balance Forward billing method to new .store customers.


Price Level

Type a price level to use as a default for new .store customer records and for displaying pricing information on products and services pages.


Discount Rate

Type a default discount rate to assign to new .store customer records.


Finance Charge Rate

Type a default finance charge rate to assign to new .store customer records. This field is available only if Percent or Fixed is selected in the Computation Method field in Accounts Receivable Options. If Percent is selected, then this field contains a percent sign.


Payment Type

Enter a default payment type to be used for new .store customer records, or click the Lookup button to list all payment types. This field is required and will only allow a payment type that has been Internet-enabled in Payment Type Maintenance.



Type a sort value to assign to new .store customer records.


Customer Type

Type a customer type to assign to new .store customer records.


Statement Cycle

Type a statement cycle to assign to new .store customer records. This field is enabled only if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Print Dunning Message

Select this check box to print dunning messages on statements for new .store customer records. Clear this check box if you do not want to print dunning messages on statements for new .store customer records. This check box is enabled only if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Batch Fax

Select this check box to batch fax .store customers who have fax numbers. Clear this check box if you do not want to batch fax .store customers.

The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.

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