Job Estimate Maintenance


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Select Job Cost Estimating menu > Job Estimate Maintenance.


Use Job Estimate Maintenance to enter and maintain job estimate information. To speed the entry of new estimates, you can copy information from a previously entered estimate or "boilerplate" (standard) estimate. After an estimate is entered, you can use this task to make any necessary changes or corrections.

Two types of information must be entered for each new estimate being added to the file: description and constant data (names, addresses, dates, terms, etc.), and estimate item detail (items, descriptions, quantities, costs and pricing information).

Note All Job Cost customers must be open item customers. An error message appears if you attempt to enter a balance forward customer number.

You can update an estimate with current cost and price information from the Item Pricing file. You can also modify or delete a line item. Clicking Undo will remove the entry displayed from the list of entries to be executed.

This task can be used to update current item costs and to override standard pricing methods and rates. If your estimates are based on standard boilerplate formats, you can use this task to enter the quantities and any nonstandard item information necessary to complete the estimate. Each line item represents an item code with pricing information that is used to estimate the cost of the job, a miscellaneous expense, or a comment to be printed on the estimate. To customize the estimate for a job, you can enter miscellaneous items for nonstandard costs, multiple comment lines, and subtotal and grand-total lines.

Note An estimate is maintained on file until it is deleted from the file. Inactive or "dead" estimates that no longer need to be retained on file should be deleted to clear space for new estimate records.



Estimate No.




1. Main

Customer No.

Estimate Status


Status Date

Job Address

Last Revision Date


Estimated Start Date


Estimated Completion Date


Sort Field


Unit of Measure


Total (Unit of Measure)

Job Type

Tax Schedule



2. Item Detail


Item Code

Markup Rate

Cost Code


Cost Type


Markup Method

Unit Cost


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