Job Billing Selection


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Job Billing Selection Register

Job Billing Register G/L Work in Process Recap





Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Selection.


Use Job Billing Selection to select a range of jobs to bill. You can indicate the job type and/or job manager for each range of jobs selected. A job billing date can be entered for jobs with Time and Material charges to indicate billing "as of" a specific cutoff date. This date is also used by Fixed Percent Complete jobs to clear work-in-process up to a given date.

Note This task is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost.

The selection process retrieves billing information for jobs using the Fixed Contract or Time and Material billing method. Billable amounts and invoice totals are calculated based on the billing method used for each job. When the selection process is completed, this information can be printed on the Job Billing Selection Register and reviewed for accuracy. If you do not encounter errors or omissions on the printed register, you can print invoices immediately. If you need to make changes (to correct the actual percentage of completion, to add unrecorded miscellaneous expenses, etc.), use Job Billing Data Entry, and then print the invoices.

Time and Material work-in-process charges can be selected in this task if cost codes/cost types defined with a "unit price" bill method are assigned a unit price on the Cost Code Detail window in Job Masterfile Maintenance.

You can select jobs for billing on an individual basis by proceeding directly to Job Billing Data Entry and entering the job number and necessary billing information only for those jobs to bill. In this case, the Job Billing Selection Register should be printed after all billing information is entered for the desired jobs.



Invoice Date

Job Type

Next Invoice No.

Job Manager

Job Billing Date

Job Number


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